MxMSP/MxLINQ's Cloud Storage - Now Supporting MxPEG
We expanded MxMSP by adapting IPTECHVIEW's 'Zepherus' Cloud Storage for Voice & Video Recording and expanding the generic MP4, to support MxMSP™ and MxLINQ™ with MOBOTIX specific proprietary high-resolution and low-bandwidth MxPEG codec. This makes export and forensic analysis of hemispheric camera footage not only possible but even comfortable allowing for a good forensic workflow.
Footage can now be analyzed highly zoomed in to get the full benefit that a 6 Megapixel camera has to offer while providing all the detail possible. MOBOTIX's MxCC tool opens downloaded event files and makes it easy to create and export AVI files to share.
It all starts by setting up MxMSP™ cloud recording to Premium. (Standard Video will be MP4 at 1080 x 1440 ~1.5 Megapixel and does not allow deep zooming and single frames may be blurry).

Picture the following scenario, your organization has multiple locations challenged by a high-traffic volume as you’ll find in a retail or library environment. Naturally, in high traffic areas, there will be many incidents that will need to be investigated and possibly exported for further investigation.
While MP4 is a great codec for mobile viewing and situational awareness, MP4 and h.264 simply don’t have the resolution and single frame detail when doing forensics as MxPEG. This make MOBOTIX a more professional video surveillance platform and makes creating meaningful evidence and analyzing situations so much better.
With the new MxMSP feature, recordings can now be stored in the cloud and downloaded to local PC or remote stations and MxPEG details can be viewed from anywhere in the world. Once files are downloaded, they can be imported into MOBOTIX’s own viewing system - the Mx Management Center - using the MxPEG codec.
Once imported, dewarping of hemispheric videos and further analysis using MxMC’s features will be easy and comfortable. The user does not need to even have access to MxMC nor know much about MOBOTIX. The files just need to be downloaded, clicked, and viewed. The same is true for snapshots or exports of dewarped materials (expected for MxMC 2.1). Here’s a direct comparison between MP4 zoomed and MxMC dewarped and zoomed:

Note that you will be activating the Cloud Storage feature for your customer on a per camera basis and can set the best combination to accommodate your customer’s bandwidth.
The cloud storage feature provides three storage modes:
- Still shot alarm image
- Full recording (of an event)
- Time lapse recording

All three options can be selected parallel to get the most out of this feature. The main purpose is to dimension cloud recording for each camera as needed so that in situations with limited bandwidth you can still get - if not all - as many cameras as possible to store all or some of their information in the cloud.
These toggles will be used by the integrator to setup his accounts projects. Cloud storage billing can be done in bulk at a discounted rate when picking the cloud VMS option with storage for all channels or a la carte charge on a per camera basis without any bulk discount.
To check if cameras are recording you can check the nickname of camera anywhere they should have the cloud storage/player symbol after the name.

You're not on MxMSP yet? Contact us ASAP for your personal demo and training session.